Most people do so-called "core strength" training in the gym, such as sit-ups, crunches, and leg lifts! Unfortunately these don’t strengthen your core!

The core muscles are more than just six-pack abs!

There is nothing wrong with doing sit-ups and crunches! But it’s important to realize that your “core” extends far beyond the superficial abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis) that most people focus on for their “six pack” abs!

The core is a very complex group of muscles that includes basically everything except the arms and legs. This includes the muscles near the spine, transversus abdominis, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm, rectus abdominis, and more!

These muscle groups work together to help us stabilize the body and transmit power!

Core Anatomy

Core strength is very important in life and sports! It involves every one of our functional movement patterns. Having a strong, well-developed core will greatly improve your overall strength, functionality, and chance of injury reduction, while a weak and underdeveloped core will do the opposite.

Today I want to share with you a good core strength training exercise: PALLOF PRESS

Unlike sit-ups and crunches, the real main function of Pallof Press is to train your core and use your core muscles to work together to maintain the stability of the trunk against external resistance!

The action process!

Use a stretch band or roller cable to carry weight! The height of the fixed end is about below your chest muscles!

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width, raise your head and chest, face forward, hold the handle with both hands, pull the tension rope to the height of your abdomen, and then take a few steps to your side! When you reach the appropriate distance (resistance), place your feet the same width as your hip joints, maintain a good posture, tighten your whole body, and then slowly push the tension rope out to your chest! until your elbows are straight.

When you move sideways, there will be a rotational resistance pulling your torso. This resistance is trying to rotate your torso. What you need to do at this time is to use your core strength to continue to maintain a good body posture and resist the rotation!

If your core is lazy or has too much resistance, your spine will deviate from the neutral position and lose stability!