Should you do shoulder training with heavy weight or light weight?

Obtaining strong and three-dimensional shoulders is the goal of every fitness man! However, many people will have a question during training: What kind of training method should be chosen to target the shoulder muscles? Should it be heavier or lighter with more reps?

The application of light weight shoulder training!

From the perspective of muscle fiber types, the deltoid muscle is mainly composed of slow-twitch muscle fibers. This means you need some light weight and high rep training

This has two advantages

1. By reducing the external load exerted on the shoulder joint, the joint stress accumulated over time is reduced.

2. At the same time, high-rep training is more likely to accumulate metabolic stress, allowing your muscles to become hyperemic and get a pumping feeling!

The growth of deltoid muscles requires metabolic pressure, which is a very important factor in muscle hypertrophy

The main source of metabolic pressure is the anaerobic glycolysis of muscle cells during exercise. "The products produced" include lactic acid, hydrogen ions, inorganic phosphoric acid, creatine, as well as free radicals, nitric oxide, etc. These metabolic wastes will tell the muscle cells through a series of molecular pathways that you should grow up, okay to adapt to these metabolic stresses.

In shoulder training! Especially some single-joint movements, such as lateral raises, front raises, and bent overs! The advice I usually give you is:

More reps, more sets, less rest

1. Increasing the rep range beyond 20 reps will really get your muscles pumping with blood.

2. Do more sets. Try 4 to 5 sets instead of the traditional 3.

3. Reduce the rest time between sets to 20-40 seconds.

Concentrate on flexion and maintain muscle tension during the movement! In this way, the muscle sensation and isolated stimulation will be more obvious! You will feel your shoulders burning.

Application of heavy weight shoulder training

For some multi-joint movements, such as military press, it is recommended to use lower reps (3-6 reps) for training. The main purpose is to enhance your shoulder strength, vertical thrust chain and nervous system, especially For some fitness enthusiasts who aim to improve strength, heavy and high-quality presses can make your shoulders stronger

However, such training may not be that effective for muscle growth. On the contrary, choose Bodybuilding style (medium to high rep) pressing training will make your muscle size growth more optimistic!