< span style="font-size: 14px;">There is no doubt that traditional crunchabdominal muscleexercise can strengthen your abdominal muscles, but that method is easy to Your spine becomes deformed, even causing pain below the lower back. Replacing crunches with Superman push-ups will not only help you build heroic abs, but also build a steely core that will make you stronger when doing weightlifting exercises like overhead presses and squats.
Note: When doing Superman push-ups, keeping your body stable when you reach the highest position will ensure that you effectively exercise the rectus abdominis (your six heads). muscles) and oblique abdominal muscles. It also provides a powerful workout for your spine. If the exercise is too difficult, increase the distance between your legs.
How to do Superman push-ups:
1. Lie face down with your hands 15 cm above your head. Legs should be straight and feet together.
2.Put your hands on the ground and raise your abdomen and back until your torso rises to a distance of 15-30 cm from the ground. It looks like it's flying. Hold for three seconds, then lower to the ground. This is a complete movedo. Work your way up to 3 sets of 5 reps, or hold for 10 reps of 30 seconds or more.
Tip: In order to better burn abdominal fat, it is best to perform this exercise after doing overhead raises; each movement must be done in place without compromise.