Barbell Squat
Step1 Center the barbell At the trapezius muscles of the shoulders, hold the barbell forward with both palms, maintaining balance on the left and right. The grip distance is slightly wider than shoulder width, the elbow joints are downward, the soles of the two feet are shoulder-width apart, and the toes are slightly abducted.
Step2 Using the tension of the quadriceps muscles, slowly bend your knees and squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Be careful not to lift your heels off the ground. Use the contraction force of the quadriceps to stretch your legs and stand up until your legs are straight, so that the thigh muscles are in the "peak contraction" position.
Step3 Pause and repeat.
Aimed at: Do three sets of 6 to 12 times each, gradually increasing the training weight and reducing the number of training times. During the entire movement, you must keep your chest up, your abdomen in, your waist tight, and your head up.