Illustration of supine knee leg raises (bent knee leg raises)

Target muscles: waist and abdominal muscles, buttocks, auxiliary muscles including thigh and hip flexors .

Exercise instructions:

1. Flat Lying on the ground. Place your hands on your abdomen or place your palms flat on your sides.

2. Lift your feet. You can bend your knees at 90 degrees, or you can stretch your legs as straight as possible in the air.

3. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your hips. Be careful not to push down with your hands, back or head. If you still can't lift your hips using only your abs, you'll need to do more basic sit-ups to increase your abdominal strength. Otherwise, using the strength of other parts will only waste energy and fail to achieve the effect of abdominal exercise.

Bent knee leg raises exercise illustration

Knee Bend Abdominal Hip Lift Exercise Guide

Why this exercise is important: Your abdominal and core muscles are vital for bending over to pick up things and carry children every day , and jumping into the air when playing basketballUse core muscles. The core muscles include all the important muscles located in the trunk to maintain balance and stability. These muscles are also key to keeping your lower back healthy, as weak abdominals and underdeveloped core muscles create problematic posture and increase overall tension in your back.

What should be avoided Things:Make sure you do this exercise slowly and with correct form. Perform abdominal and hip lift exercises with knee bends very slowly and at a smooth rhythm so you can really feel the tension in your abdominal muscles, so be sure to avoid fast and jerky movements.

Note: Ideally repeat this up to your limit, ideally between 15-30 per set. Rest 60-90 seconds between each set to allow you to fully recover before the next set.