How does one train the abdominal muscles? There are many training methods. At the same time, among the training methods, some methods are very good and some methods are average. However, these training methods are all particular. What about abdominal muscle training? Some people still know what the method is. So, what are the quick abdominal muscle training methods? Let’s take a look below!

Supine leg raise

1. Supine leg raise

Lie flat on the bed or floor mat, with your back Stay close to the bed (or the ground), hold the head of the bed with both hands to fix your upper body, raise and lower your legs at the same time, repeat several times.

Key points of action: The body is prone to shaking. You can find a partner to support your upper body to prevent the body from shaking. If you want to exercise your lower abdomen to the maximum extent, you should lift your buttocks as much as possible at the highest point of each movement to fully mobilize the muscles of your lower abdomen. If you find this action difficult, you can bend your legs slightly to reduce the difficulty and complete the action.

2. Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your head and look straight ahead, bend your knees until your buttocks are only about ten centimeters above the ground. When going down, slowly lean your upper body forward until your shoulders protrude beyond your knees. But make sure your knees don't go past your toes (this can cause knee pain). Next, keep your ankles on the ground and stand up slowly using only your legs.

At the beginning, try to do the exercises facing the wall, with your toes about 10 to 15 cm away from the wall. This is an excellent correction method to ensure that your knees are not too forward.

3. Contract your shoulders

Lie flat on the ground with your calves resting on a bench, then contract your shoulders to create an arc in your upper abdomen, as if you are rolling forward. Don't extend your head too far forward when performing the movement, because this means that the back will be lifted off the ground, so that the buttocks will begin to share the work that should be performed by the abdomen. As you lower, let your shoulders slowly return to the ground, never letting your abs relax. Many people like to hold their hands behind their heads when doing this exercise. As a result, they just pull their heads forward instead of flexing the entire body.

4. Cycling in the air

Lie on your back on the floor with your lower back close to the ground. Place your hands beside your head, arms open. Lift your legs and slowly cycle. Exhale, lift your upper body, touch your left knee with your right elbow, hold the position for 2 seconds, and then return. Then touch your right knee with your left elbow, hold the same for 2 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position.

5. Hanging legs together

When doing this action, you should first pay attention to avoid swinging.You should keep your body tight and control the speed of your movements. To stimulate the intercostal muscles, rotate the knees from side to side, which also works the obliques. The key to correctly raising your legs is to extend your hips slightly forward. It is certainly comfortable to simply raise your legs, but it only stimulates the buttocks rather than the abdominal muscles. The speed of movement will vary from person to person, but you should make sure to lower your legs slowly to prevent swaying. Remember, your goal is to work your abs, not to lift your legs any way you can. If you find it difficult to do this with your legs fully straightened, you can do it with your knees bent. When your abdominal muscles become stronger, gradually straighten your legs.

6. Fitness ball crunches

Lie flat on the fitness ball, with your feet flat on the ground, your hands on the side of your head, and your arms open. Slightly draw your chin toward your chest, exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and lift your upper body to about 45 degrees, hold for 2 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position.