Leg muscle group diagram: leg muscle diagram and English name introduction

Leg muscle group includes thigh muscle group and calf muscle group.

1.Thigh muscles

The thigh is divided into three muscle groups: anterolateral, posterior and medial. The anterior and outer thigh muscles are mainly composed of the quadriceps femoris, sartorius muscle and tensor fascia lata; the inner thigh muscles are mainly composed of the adductor magnus, pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus and gracilis muscles; The posterior group (hamstrings) is mainly composed of biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. (Body shaping plan to teach you to build perfect thigh muscles.)

1.1 Muscle group of the front of the thigh

The muscles of the front of the thigh mainly include: sartorius muscle ), quadriceps (quadriceps), tensor fasciae latae (tensor fasciae latae).

(1) Sartorius muscle:The longest muscle in the body, in the shape of a flat belt , originates from the anterior superior iliac spine, passes obliquely inward and downward through the front of the thigh to the inner side of the knee joint, and inserts on the inner surface of the upper end of the tibia. Function: Flex the hip and knee joints, and internally rotate the flexed knee joints.

(2) Quadriceps: The largest muscle in the body, with four muscle heads: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, Vastus lateralis and vastus internus. The vastus intermedius muscle is covered by the rectus femoris muscle. Function: A powerful muscle that extends the knee joint, the rectus femoris can also flex the hip joint.

(3) Broad rib Tensor membrane muscle:It is located on the anterolateral aspect of the upper thigh. It originates from the anterior superior iliac spine. Its muscle belly is wrapped between two layers of fascia lata. It moves downwards to become the iliotibial band and inserts at the lateral condyle of the tibia. : Tighten the fascia lata and flex the thigh

1.2 Posterior thigh muscle group

The muscles of the back of the thigh include: Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus.

The muscles of the back of the thigh. Function: The posterior muscles mainly flex the knee joint and extend the hip joint. When the knee is flexed, the biceps femoris can externally rotate the calf, and the semitendinosus and semimembranosus can internally rotate the calf.

1.3 Inner thigh muscle group: thigh adductor muscle group

The inner thigh muscle group includes 5 muscles: Pectineus, Adductor Longus, Adductor Brevis, and Adductor Magnus ) and the gracilis muscle. The adductor brevis muscle is covered by the adductor longus muscle and the pectineus muscle.

2. Calf muscles

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The calf muscles are also divided into anterior group, posterior group and lateral group.

2.1 Anterior calf muscles

Anterior The groups include tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus (extensor longus digitorum), and extensor longus pollicis;

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2.2 Lateral calf muscle group

The lateral group has Peroneus longus (peronaeus longus) and peroneus brevis (peronaeus brevis).

2.3 Posterior calf muscles

The posterior group has tricepssurae), flexor digitorum longus, flexor pollicis longus and tibialis posterior;

Among them, the triceps surae is the most important muscle of the calf. It is composed of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

3. Legs Focus on leg muscle group training

In the practice of bodybuilding exercise, for leg muscle group training, the conventional target muscle groups that are functionally representative and morphologically representative are:< /p>

(1) Quadriceps femoris on the front of the thigh, (2) Biceps femoris on the back of the thigh,

(3) Adductor muscles of the thigh, (4) Triceps of the calf muscle.

Choose these muscle groups as the entry point for leg muscle training not only because they are relatively large in size and highly maneuverable, but also because they can accept exercise and overcome resistance while doing work without rejecting The position and function are the same, and other similar muscle groups receive the same exercise stimulus. This phenomenon and saying that using a certain muscle group to cover a certain part or a certain group of muscle groups is common in bodybuilding exercises and has become a consensus. (The male god figure training program teaches you how to train leg muscles.)