Why After doing so many biceps curls, my biceps are still not as good as I want. Whenever we talk about how to build perfect biceps, the first thing that pops into our minds is always curls, barbell curls, dumbbell curls, and elastic rope curls. It seems that as long as you do curls, you will definitely grow amazingly. biceps brachii.

Is this really the case? So why do you do bicep curls all day long but get little effect? It’s not that I didn’t work hard, it’s just that the method was wrong and I took many detours. Below, Dumbbell 8 Fitness Network will list several common mistakes when training biceps - the "seven deadly sins" of biceps training, hoping to put you on the right track to build muscle.

Count 1: Dumping too much

If you want to build your biceps with curls, then you have to make sure you load the weight ( Lift a barbell or dumbbell from one point to another instead of using inertia to throw the weight from bottom to top. To put it simply, the harder you swing, the less stimulation your biceps will receive. Instead of throwing a 150-pound barbell, it is better to do ten 100-pound curls, because the latter stimulates the muscles more.

Crime 2: Too much wrist curling

Many bodybuilders often joke that after practicing bicep curls, they become smaller.The degree of congestion in the arms is no less than that of the biceps themselves - this is exactly the mistake that many novices make. They often use their wrists too much when doing curls. The correct approach should be to keep the wrists and forearms as much as possible. into a straight line.

Crime 3: Doing it fast

In order to lift heavier weights, many people like to do curls fast, but many people don’t know this The length of time the muscles are under tension is much more important than the weight of the curl. It's time to wake up, try to reduce two barbell plates or use lighter dumbbells to do curls. It takes 2 seconds to lift it up and 3 seconds to lower it. Trust me, it will give you a full pump.

Count 4: Not doing the whole process

The only way to ensure that every muscle fiber is stimulated is to do the whole range - make sure that every curl is fully extended from the biceps It starts when the head is long and ends when the biceps are fully elongated.

Count 5: No peak contraction

Needless to say, the role of stretching in muscle growth, but the importance of peak contraction in curls cannot be underestimated either. ! Make sure you squeeze your biceps fully every time you reach the top of the curl. This can stimulate faster blood circulation and enhance the pump. Thick biceps are no longer a dream.

Count 6: Unchanging

People are like this. They are used to one kind of movement and don’t like to try to change it. But this is not feasible when training muscles, especially the biceps. You must have multiple angles. Stimulate the biceps in multiple directions to maximize growth. Try narrow, medium, and wide grips, standing curls, seated curls, forward curls, or even curls. It's a hammer curl, changing the pattern to stimulate the biceps.

Count 7: Not paying attention to biceps training

Indeed, we have always emphasized that first. Do exercises that target large muscle groups, and then train small muscle groups such as biceps or triceps. But if your primary goal is to grow biceps muscles, then it is necessary to put biceps training on a separate day.