< strong>Deltoid training: single joint combined training!

The shoulder deltoid muscle is the most eye-catching part of the many muscle groups in our shoulders. The broad shoulders and three-dimensional deltoid muscles are unforgettable

Body-building shoulder training includes a lot of single-joint training! Front raises and lateral raises are common movements in our shoulder training menu! These single-joint movements are great for maintaining a continuous sense of tension in the target muscles!

However, traditional lateral raise and front raise training can easily cause muscles to adapt! Today we are going to introduce a great combination training method to help you burn your deltoid muscles!

The following is a video of the action

This is a combined exercise for the shoulder, which combines the mainstream movements of the shoulder joint (flexion, abduction, horizontal abduction) (extension), which can stimulate your entire deltoid muscle (front, middle and rear beams) at the same time

Choose a light dumbbell! No heavy weights required in this workout! The key here is to maintain tension and focus on increasing the time the muscles are under tension, so that your muscles can get an unprecedented pumping feeling! This is one of the key mechanisms of muscle growth.

The following is the specific action process:

Choose a sitting position, first perform lateral shoulder abduction movements, then close your shoulders forward, put the dumbbells in front, and then start from the middle The position is lifted forward (front raise). Then go back the same way!

The entire set of movements is one rep.

When you perform it in a controlled manner, your shoulders will maintain muscle tension throughout the entire movement!