How to exercise the serratus anterior muscle? There are various methods, mainly four methods: decline barbell bench press, decline hummer machine chest press, alternating floor bench press, and staggered push-ups. However, it is not easy to practice these methods because these methods There are things to pay attention to, such as the correct steps. Of course, you can also learn how to exercise the serratus anterior muscle from the following content.

Decline barbell bench press

Decline barbell bench press

1. Fix your legs on the incline bench and lie down slowly. Hold the barbell with a medium grip and lift it off the rack. Straighten your arms and lift the barbell above your chest, keeping your arms perpendicular to the ground and keeping your chest up. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Bend your arms, slowly lower the barbell, and inhale at the same time. Keep the bar almost touching your chest.

3. Then use the strength of your chest to push the barbell back to the starting position and exhale at the same time.

Decline Hummer Chest Press

1. Load the machine with appropriate training weight and adjust your seat height. At the beginning of the exercise, your handlebars should be close to your chest. Keep your chest up, head up, and your shoulder blades retracted. This is your starting position.

2. Straighten your elbows and push the handle forward.

3. When you reach the furthest position, pause for a moment, and then return to the starting position. To maintain muscle tension, don't stop the movement until the exercise is complete.

Alternate floor bench press

1. Lie on the floor, holding a kettlebell in each hand on either side of your shoulders.

2. Hold the kettlebell firmly, palms forward.

3. Extend your arms and lift the kettlebell above your chest. Then lower the kettlebell on one side next to your chest, remembering to adjust the direction of your wrist so that you can grip the handle of the kettlebell.

4. Lift the kettlebell again.

5. Repeat the above action with the other hand, so that both hands alternately press.

Staggered push-ups

1. Keep your body straight, lean on the floor, use your hands and toes to support your body, and keep your arms straight. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with one hand slightly forward and one further back. This is your starting position.

2. Bend your elbows and lower your body. Please don't let your hips rise or sink.

3. When you reach the lowest point of the movement, straighten your elbows and return to the starting position.

4. After completing this set of exercises, alternate the positions of your hands and do another round.

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