The calf is an important muscle in the body, but when exercising, the calf is a place that many people tend to ignore. At the same time, some people do not know how to exercise the calf. How to exercise the calf? You can use standing dumbbell calf raises and dumbbell lifts. Use methods such as calf raises and seated calf stretches to develop diamond calves. So, how to exercise diamond calves? Let’s find out together.

Diamond Calf

Standing Dumbbell Heel Raise

1. Stand upright, holding a dumbbell in each hand , the arms hang naturally at both sides of the body. The forefoot metatarsals of both feet should be placed on a fixed object about 5-8 cm high, and the heels should be on the ground. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Lift your heels off the ground, raise your toes as high as possible, and exhale at the same time. Stay at the top for 1 second and feel the tension in your calf muscles. It should be noted that when the toes of both feet are forward, the exercise areas are relatively even; when the toes are pointed inward, the focus of the exercise is on the outside of the calf; when the toes are pointed outward, the focus of the exercise is on the inner side of the calf.

3. Finally, slowly lower your heels, return to the starting position, and inhale at the same time.

Dumbbell calf raise

1. Hold the fixed object with both hands to maintain body balance, and stand on the handle of the dumbbell with both feet. It is recommended to choose round dumbbells, which require more effort from the body to maintain balance. After standing firm, lower your heels as far as possible and roll the dumbbell forward at the same time to fully stretch your calves. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Lift your toes, roll the dumbbell backwards, fully contract the calf muscles, and exhale at the same time. Stay at the top for a second and fully feel the contraction of your calf muscles.

3. Then return to the starting position and repeat the above actions to the recommended number of times.

Seated calf stretch

1. Sit directly on the exercise mat.

2. Bend the knee of one leg and place the foot of that leg on the floor to stabilize the torso.

3. Straighten your other leg and straighten your ankle.

4. Using an exercise band, a towel, or your hands (if available), pull your toes toward you. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then switch to the other side.

Seated Barbell Heel Raise

1. Place a block object about 20 cm high in front of a flat bench. Sit on the flat bench with the metatarsals of your feet stepping on the block. . Place the barbell on your thighs about 10 centimeters away from your knees. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Contract the calf muscles and lift as high as possibleHeel up and exhale at the same time.

3. Stay at the top for a moment, then slowly return to the starting position while inhaling.

4. The above is a complete action, repeat the action to the recommended number of times.