We all know that if we want to keep fit, we need to use many fitness moves, but the fitness effect of each move is different, so it is very important to choose the appropriate moves before exercising. The Arnold press is a great exercise, and of course it has many benefits. So, does the Arnold press target the front or middle delt muscles?

Arnold recommendation

Which Arnold press should be done in the front or mid-delt section?

Target exercise areas: anterior and middle deltoid muscles.

Arnold recommendation

Arnold's recommended action essentials

1. Sit on an exercise bench with a backrest, hold a dumbbell in each hand, place it on your thighs, palms facing each other. Then use your thighs to lift the dumbbells and place them in front of your shoulders. Bend your arms with your palms facing you. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Push the dumbbell upwards and exhale at the same time. While pushing up, rotate your wrist so that your palm faces forward. Until the arms are naturally straightened and the dumbbells stay above the head.

3. Stay at the top for a moment, feel the contraction of your shoulders, and then slowly return the dumbbells to the starting position while inhaling.

Arnold recommendation

Common mistakes in Arnold's election

Error: Shrugging the shoulders, the elbow joint is hyperextended and locked at the top of the lift, and the arms do not turn from the front of the body to the sides during the push.

Solution: Keep the shoulder joint stable, keep the elbow joint slightly bent, and turn the arms from the front to the sides of the body.

Notes on Arnold’s recommendation

1. Don’t move too quickly and control it rhythmically to avoid injury;

2. When pressing, try not to push to the highest point where your arms are fully extended. Otherwise, the elbow joint will be fully extended and locked, and the deltoid muscles will not exert much force, and the weight will be supported almost entirely by the bones. If you stop before your elbows are straightened and start lowering the dumbbells, the effect of the exercise will be greatly enhanced.